Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy – The Bec Trust
Learning Changes Lives
All Croydon Schools and Academies are committed to and adopt a similar approach to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with special educational needs. There is a shared expectation that all students, regardless of their specific needs and disabilities, should be offered inclusive educational opportunities which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and ensure they can actively participate in the wider aspects of school life.
At The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy we believe that:
- All students should receive educational opportunities that enable them to reach their academic potential.
- All students should receive educational and enrichment opportunities that enable them to develop personal and social skills that will prepare them to make an active and positive contribution to the wider community in adult life.
- All students should be encouraged, valued and accepted whatever their individual abilities, needs and aspirations.
- Students make the greatest progress and achievement if they are active partners in the activities provided to bring about their success.
- Students with SEND should be identified early and the appropriate provision must be made for students with SEND in line with the statutory duties and best practice guidelines set out in the most recent Department for Education Code of Practice for SEND (DfE/DoH, 2015).
The revised new SEND Code of Practice came into force on April 1st 2015 and can be read here
For any questions or concerns please contact me at
Ms Suezette Brooks – SENCO
Please find below a link to the Croydon Local Offer with details of activities, information and services for those with SEND. The Local Offer provides information and advice about services that children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies. It also provides information on a wide range of activities to do in and around Croydon.
Link to Croydon Local Offer:
Emotional, Wellbeing and Mental Health Support Links
- Off the Record
- Croydon Drop In
- Emerging Minds
- Anna Freud
- Mental Health Foundation
- Child Mind Institute
- Place2Be
- World Health Organisation: Information for Parents and Carers to Share
- Young Minds: Parents Helpline
- Story for Children
- MIND: Coronavirus and Your Wellbeing
- Young Minds: What to do if You’re Worried about Coronavirus
- Worry and OCD: Coronavirus Survival Tips
- Movement Meditation for Children who Need to Move: Smiling Minds
- Meditations from
- NSPCC: Anxiety and Talking about the Coronavirus
Educational Games
- Blockly
- Scratch
- Duolingo
- The Kids Should See This
- Crash Course
- Crash Course Kids (Youtube)
- Crest Awards – Science awards you can complete from home.
- iDEA Awards – Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.
- Paw Print Badges
- Tinkercad
- Prodigy Maths
- Nature Detectives – A lot of these can be done in a garden, or in the forests, if you live in one.
- Oxford Owl for Home
- Blue Peter Badges
- The Artful Parent
- Red Ted Art
- The Imagination Tree
- Toy Theatre
Hearing Impairment
Take a look at the Museum of London resources about deaf history and the Great Fire of London.
Reading, Education and Enrichment Resources
While you are at home, take the opportunity to do extra reading. You might find some of the books below interesting.
Books for KS3 AND KS4
- Double Act – Jacqueline Wilson
- Dustbin Baby – Jacqueline Wilson
- The Charlie Barber Treatment – Carole Lloyd
- The Lost Boys’ Appreciation Society – Alan Gibbons
- The Spying Game – Pat Moon