Aims and Ethos
Vision Statement
At The Archbishop Lanfranc Nursery we believe every child, family and member of staff matters. We strive to work in partnership, though a culture of listening, to enable everyone to achieve their true potential. We are building a successful learning community which celebrates diversity. We will be welcoming, friendly and respectful, thoughtful and supportive in providing a safe place where we can grow and learn together.
Mission Statement about British Values
In line with Ofsted requirements (January 2015) we also adopt the following statement:
At Archbishop Lanfranc we actively promote the universal values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths or beliefs. We believe, to very young children, this means learning right from wrong, learning to take turns and share; challenging negative views and stereotypes. We do not promote views and theories that are contrary to established scientific or historic evidence and explanations.
Nursery Aims
At The Archbishop Lanfranc Nursery we aim to:
Enable children to become independent learners who value learning with and from others to help them to develop a positive attitude to education, by:
- Giving children time to reflect, practice and learn with no sense of failure
- Encouraging children to develop a positive attitude towards themselves and others, with a strong sense of self-respect.
Provide a high-quality, broad and challenging curriculum based on learning through play with regard to the Early Years Foundation Stage, by
- Building on children’s personal interests and stage of development, encouraging them to reach their true potential in all areas of learning
- Combining the security, happiness, comfort and care which children would expect to experience at home with the stimulation, learning and social awareness of a professionally run nursery environment experience
- Developing nursery policies and procedures that support a high-quality Early Years curriculum
- Use a range of pedagogical strategies to extend our understanding of how children learn.
Provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment where children, parents, carers and visitors feel welcomed and valued as members of the Nursery community by
- Inviting parents and carers to work in partnership with the Nursery in helping their children develop their enthusiasm for learning and celebrating their achievements
- Helping children to develop a sense of respect for other people’s property, ideas and beliefs irrespective of gender, race, disability or academic achievement
- Responding to the needs of the children and families who live in the local community
- Working within a framework which enables inclusion for all children and families
Promote a culture of listening to users and visitors to the centre, by
- Observing and learning from what children say and do
- Striving to understand the view point of the other person
- Respecting the experiences of others
- Creating a shared dialogue and learning from one another
- Being an open and willing learner – a reflective practitioner