
The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy - Careers Vision and CEIAG Aims

At The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy, our Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance (CEIAG) programme plays a vital role in preparing our students for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of life. This programme aligns with our Academy Improvement Plan and is underpinned by our core TALA values: Teamwork, Aspirations, Leadership, and Accountability.

We are committed to delivering the best opportunities for our students to achieve their career goals, ensuring they are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Our CEIAG programme provides a structured and engaging programme of careers education throughout each student’s school journey, with targeted support at key transition points. This is achieved through collaboration with parents, carers, employers, external CEIAG providers, and local organisations, ensuring every student has access to impartial information and expert advice.

By embedding TALA values in our careers provision, we aim to:

  • Teamwork: Foster collaboration between students, staff, families, and external partners to support every student’s career journey.
  • Aspirations: Raise students’ ambitions and encourage them to envision and pursue their goals without limits.
  • Leadership and Accountability: Empower students to take ownership of their futures, developing the confidence and skills needed for personal and professional growth.

Our CEIAG programme supports students in successfully transitioning to the next stages of their lives by:

  • Empowering them to plan and manage their own futures.
  • Providing comprehensive and impartial information on all pathways and options.
  • Promoting equality, diversity, social mobility, and challenging stereotypes.
  • Enabling them to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic well-being.

Together, through teamwork, aspirations, leadership, and accountability, we ensure that every student at The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy is fully supported to reach their potential and achieve lifelong success.

Careers Team

Careers Lead

H Budd –

SLT member lead for Careers

A Barlow –

Independent Career Development Professional – Careers Advisor

P Roettig –

Call us - 020 8689 1255

Careers Programme

Our comprehensive 5-year careers programme provides students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to make informed decisions about their future education, training, and career pathways. The programme is regularly reviewed and updated to stay relevant and responsive to the evolving world of work, ensuring it meets the needs of all students and remains subject to change.

Additionally, students have numerous opportunities to develop essential employability skills through activities such as:

  • Various 'Student Voice' and Leadership Opportunities
  • Prefects
  • Head Boy/Girl application process
  • Sports Leaders
  • Buddies
  • Language/Subject Ambassadors
  • Class/House Representatives
  • Academy Day Trips
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
  • Volunteering at School Events
  • Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge
  • School Music and Drama Performances

These activities foster teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills, helping students build a strong foundation for their future careers.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3


Tutor/PSHE Sessions

LMI overview with links to local provision

Green Careers

BBC Bitesize Careers - Curriculum Based

PSHE AUT 2 - Developing skills and aspirations

The future of work #NCW

Revisit LMI

Who Am I?

What is a career?

What is an entrepreneur?

Careers and the future

PSHE SUM 2-Financial decision making

Communication challenge: Listening – to be delivered across the first half term

Communication challenge: Speaking - to be delivered across the second half term


First Aid Course Enrichment Activity Delivered by Paramedics

Jamie’s Farm Trip

TALA Careers Fair

Careers week activities

First Aid Course Enrichment Activity delivered by Paramedics

First Aid Course Enrichment Activity delivered by Paramedics


Tutor/PSHE Sessions

LMI overview with links to local provision

Green Careers

BBC Bitesize Careers - Sector Based

PSHE AUT 2 - Community and Careers

Careers in the Curriculum - English - Being an Editor

Careers in the Curriculum - Maths - Restaurant Owner

Careers in the Curriculum - Science - Dietician

Key Qualities #NCW

Challenges and rewards of work

Creating the life you want

What does success mean to me

Careers and the climate


Academy Day - DIG DATA - Christmas Light Challenge Workshop

Jamie’s Farm Trip

TALA Careers Fair

Careers Week activities

TALA Science Fair

Higher education provider trip/workshop

Speakers for Schools Visit


Tutor/PSHE Sessions

LMI overview with links to local provision

Green Careers

Barclays Life Skills - Strengths and Weaknesses

PSHE AUT 2 - Setting Goals

Option choice discussions with tutors

Careers in the Curriculum - English - Being a Social Worker

Careers in the Curriculum - Maths - Analyst

Careers in the Curriculum - Science - Automotive Engineer

About Me #NCW

What comes after school?

Decision making – choosing KS4 options

Taking control of your career

Working and earning

Revisit LMI

Speakers for Schools Visit


Academy Day - DIG DATA - Christmas Light Challenge Workshop

Talent Foundry Barclays Life Skills Workshop

1-2-1 Careers Advice

TALA Careers Fair

Careers Week activities

Options Fair

Options 1-2-1 with SLT

Further education provider trip/workshop


Tutor/PSHE Sessions

Exploring Careers

LMI Overview

Employment sectors

Careers Virtual Work experience

PSHE AUT 2- Financial decision making

Careers in the Curriculum – English Lang – Political Speechwriter

Careers in the Curriculum – Maths – Fashion buyer

Careers in the Curriculum – Biology – Ecologist

High Performance #NCW

PSHE SUM 2- Employability skills

PSHE SUM 2- Work experience Preparation & Evaluation

PSHE SUM 2- Budgeting & CV writing during Enrichment sessions


Budgeting & CV writing during Enrichment sessions

Academy Day - Talent Foundry - RISE/ Post 16 Destination session

Assembly Work Experience

Jack Petchey Speak Out Workshop

Budgeting & CV writing during Enrichment sessions

TALA Careers fair

Careers week activities

Academy Day - Talent Foundry - RISE/ Post 16 Destination session

TALA Science Fair

Work Experience

Mock Exams

Year 10 to 11 Transition Evening


Tutor/PSHE Sessions

Moving on

Vocational & Academic Pathways

Occupational Pathways

Your choices

Resilience and skills

Post 16 interview preparation

PSHE AUT 2- Building for the future & Next steps

Careers in the Curriculum – English Lit – Prosecutor

Careers in the Curriculum – Chemistry – Environmental Scientist

Careers in the Curriculum – Physics – Nuclear Physicist

Careers in the Curriculum – RS - PSCO

Life is for Living #NCW

Barclays wellbeing toolkit

Barclays problem solving

Barclays transferable skills activity

Barclays listening and speaking

Barclays staying positive


Mock Exams

1-2-1 Careers Advise

Providers From Post 16 - Assemblies & Visits

TALA Careers fair

Careers week activities

Mock Exams

GCSE Exams

Careers advice available on results Day

Useful information for students, parents/carers and employers



Industry Professionals

Careers Information for Students

Here you can research various post-16 and post-18 pathways, find out more information about a variety of careers, and track your skills and academic engagement. There are numerous informative webinars which run throughout the year so it is worth checking back frequently.

Here are some other links which you may find useful:

Careers Research
University Research
Post-16 Education
Work Experience

For further subject-specific content, please reach out to one of our departmental team leaders. Please direct all general enquiries to Mrs H Budd, Head of Careers.

Careers Information for Parents/Carers

Here are some excellent resources to help you support your child in exploring careers and planning their future:

Careermag for Parents/Carers

This helpful e-magazine connects parents and carers with up-to-date labour market information to guide career discussions at home. The latest issue includes:

  • Questions to help your child consider their next steps.
  • The importance of work experience.
  • Insights into in-demand jobs, apprenticeships, university options, and T Levels.

Subscribe for free here: Careermag for Parents/Carers

Career Pilot

An interactive website that helps young people explore jobs and careers in the labour market. Children can research:

  • Job roles, annual salaries, and working hours.
  • Employment growth rates and routes into specific careers.

Explore here: Career Pilot Job Sectors

‘The Parent Perspective’ Podcast

This engaging podcast series supports parents and carers with careers advice. It features:

  • Current career opportunities and industry insights.
  • Inspiring stories from diverse role models.
  • Updates on the evolving world of work.

Podcast Series: Amazing apprenticeships Parents and Carers' Pack

These monthly packs provide tailored advice to help parents guide young people in making informed career choices. The April edition highlights:

  • Insights from National Apprenticeship Week 2023.
  • What life is like as an apprentice.
  • Career starter apprenticeship opportunities.

Access the packs here: Parents and Carers' Pack

Success at School Parent Guides

These guides help parents support their children in making informed decisions and building key skills for the future. Topics include:

  • The future of work (2020–2030) and job opportunities for young people.
  • Applying to university (UCAS) and key dates.
  • Supporting your child through their GCSEs.

Find the guides here: Success at School Parent Guides

Each of these resources is designed to provide valuable insights and guidance, ensuring you can confidently support your child in their career journey.

Careers Information for Industry Professionals

The success of our CEAIG provision relies on our network of professional contacts. We offer the following opportunities with the aim of increasing our student’s awareness of career pathways, building transferrable skills for the workplace and offering practical placements:

  • Annual Careers Fair
  • Information seminars focused on a particular professional field
  • Skills workshops
  • Interview practice
  • Student Mentoring
  • Student Work Experience placement opportunities

If you would like to support our Careers Education provision, please contact Mrs H Budd, Head of Careers or Mr A Barlow, SLT Careers Lead

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Explore Your Future with Skillsometer and Careerometer

Our Skillsometer and Careerometer tools, provided by LMI for All, are here to help you explore career options and understand the job market.

  • Discover Careers: Match your skills and interests to potential careers using the Skillsometer.
  • Compare Job Data: Use Careerometer to view salary ranges, job demand, and growth trends for different roles.
  • Plan with Confidence: Access accurate, up-to-date labour market information to make informed decisions about your future.

These easy-to-use tools provide the insights you need to plan for a successful and rewarding career. Start exploring today!

