
Governing Body Committee Structure

Trust Members

Mr Ron Huggett
Mr Cristopher Kinch
Miss Fiona Smith
Mr Alan Buckland
Mr Simon Trehearn

Governing Body

Chair: Mr Alan Buckland

Education Committee (A)

Chair: Miss Gerrie Ozah

Audit & General Purposes (B)

Chair: Mr Alan Buckland

Pay Commitee (C)

Chair: Mr Alan Buckland

Functions of the Trust Members

Members are custodians of the governance of the Trust. They are independent of the Governing Body and their role is to provide oversight and challenge.


Functions of the Full Governing Body

The Governing Body is responsible for setting the Academy’s Ethos, Vision and Strategy. It uses the services of the following committees:

The Education Committee has two key responsibilities relating to Teaching and Learning and Pastoral matters, each divided into distinct categories.

    • Teaching and Learning: Curriculum; Academy Improvement Plan; Departmental Audits/Reviews; Lesson Observations; Target Setting/Key  Performance Indicators/Trends; Inspections
    • Pastoral: Admissions; Trips and Excursions; Discipline; Exclusions; Attendance; Safeguarding; Child Protection; Community Outreach; Parental Links; Primary Transfer

The Audit & General Purposes Committee has responsibility for External Audit matters comprising:

    • Analysis of Audits; Appointment of External Auditors; Risk Management.
    • Key responsibilities relating to Finances, Premises and HR, each divided into district categories.
    • Finances: Financial Control and Budgets; Marketing; Fundraising; Procurement; Legal issues.
    • Premises: Health and Safety; Maintenance; New Building
    • HR: Appointment of Principal/SLT; Pay Policy and Remuneration; Staff Discipline; Grievances and Complaints; Appraisals/Performance Management and Capability.

The Pay Committee has responsibility for Staff Performance Reviews and Setting Salaries.

Members and Governors

Members and Governors of The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy – The Bec Trust, including those recently resigned within the last 12 months.

Name Position Committees Date Appointed Term of Office Date Ended Declared Interest1 Other Governorships Attendance record last academic year 2023/2024 Attendance record last academic year 2022/2023
Wright; Sister Felicé Trust Member 12.07.2019 21.09.2023 0/1 0/0
Huggett; Mr Ron Trust Member 12.07.2019 2/2 2/2
Kinch; Mr Christopher Trust Member 22.08.2014 & 22.02.2018 & 12.07.2019 2/2 2/2
Janalli-Brown; Miss Esther Trust Member 23.11.2020 Dec 2023 1/1 2/2
Smith; Miss Fiona Trust Member Dec 2023 1/1 N/A
Buckland; Mr Alan Chair of Board of Governors; Trust Governor B, C (Chair) 13.04.2017 & 13.04.2021 4 years None Governor of Coloma Convent Girls School 10/12 7/7
Trehearn; Mr Simon Principal & Accounting Officer A, B C (in attendance) 01.09.2021 Whilst in post None 10/12 12/12
Ozah; Mrs Gerrie Trust Governor A (Chair) 18.12.2014 & 18.12.2018 & 18.12.2022 4 years None Member of the Academy Council: Beulah Nursery and Infant School (Pegasus Trust) 5/7 7/7
Smith; Miss Fiona Trust Governor 18.12.2014 & 18.12.2018 4 years Dec 2023 None 3/3 9/10
Campbell; Ms Natasha Parent Governor A 25.03.2023 4 years Dec 2023 None 0/3 1/4
Josephs; Mr Johnoi Staff Governor A June 2022 4 Years Aug 2023 None N/A 7/7
Geoghegan; Mrs Deirdre Trust Governor A (Vice Chair) 27.06.2019 & 27.06.2023 4 years None 5/7 6/7
Mills; Mr Daniel Trust Governor 21.12.2021 4 Years None 3/4 4/4
Flannery; Mr Mark Trust Governor B (Vice Chair) June 2022 4 Years None 5/7 5/7
Kimbugwe; Thulani Staff Governor A Dec 2023 4 years None 4/5 N/A
Janalli-Brown; Miss Esther Trust Governor Dec 2023 3/5 N/A
Letts; Ms Niki Parent Governor A, B 01.12.2022 4 years None 7/10 6/8
Muskett-Green; Ms Sarah-Jane Trust Governor B 01.03.2023 4 years None 2/7 3/3

Specific Governor responsibilities/links

Name Responsibilities Curriculum areas
Buckland; Mr Alan Chair of the Board Maths, Computing and Science, KS3
Ozah; Mrs Gerrie SEND Governor Humanities, PSHE and Nursery
Geoghegan; Mrs Deirdre Safeguarding Governor Creative and Performing Arts, KS4
Mills; Mr Daniel Diversity and Inclusion Governor Technology, Sport and PE
Flannery; Mr Mark Audit and Finance Governor English and Literacy
Letts; Ms Niki Parent Governor Careers, Communications, KS3/KS4
Muskett-Green; Ms Sarah-Jane Finance and General Purposes Governor Operations, Health and Safety
Janalli-Brown, Mrs Esther Trust Governor MFL
Kimbugwe, Miss Thulani Staff Governor

Recent ex-Governors

Name Position Committees Date Appointed Term of Office Date ended Declared Interest1 Other Governorships
Hansom; Miss Olivia Staff Governor A 10.12.2019 4 years 31.08.2020 None
Morley; Mr Matt Trust Governor B 12.12.2016 4 years 31.12.2020 Work for the Regional School Commissioner for the South East and South London
Kinch; Mr Christopher Chair of Board of Governors - Trust Governor B, C (Chair) 22/08/2014 & 22/02/2018 & 12/07/2019 31.12.2020 None
del Rio; Mr Michael Principal & Accounting Officer A, B (in attendance) 22.08.2014 While in post 31.08.2021 None
Warne; Mr Keith Parent Governor A, B (Vice Chair) 10.12.2019 4 years 31.08.2022 None
Nareshkumar; MsVijitha Parent Governor A 10.12.2019 4 years 31.08.2022 None
Josephs; Mr Johnoi Staff Governor A June 2022 4 Years 31.08.2023 None
Campbell; Ms Natasha Parent Governor A 24.03.2023 4 years Dec 2023 None
Smith; Miss Fiona Chair of Board of Governors; Trust Governor 18.12.2014 & 18.12.2018 4 years Dec 2023 None

Footnote 1: Declared material interest may be business related, pecuniary or through a relationship with another governor or member of staff.

Appointing Body:

  • Trustee Governors – appointed by Trust Members – The Bec Trust
  • Staff Governor – appointed by Governing Body
  • Parent Governors – elected by parents
  • Principal – ex officio Governors
  • Co-opted Governors – appointed by the Governing Body

Who are your Governors...

Alan Buckland

My name is Alan Buckland and I have been a governor since 2017. As a qualified actuary, I spent my working life advising on financial issues facing insurance companies. This gave me relevant experience that I am now able to use in my role as the Chair of the Audit and General Purposes Committee, which oversees the finances of the Academy. I am also the Vice-Chair of Governors.

In my leisure time I enjoy walking, listening to a wide range of music and going to concerts.

Gerrie Ozah

My name is Gerrie Ozah and I have been a governor since 2014. I am Chair of the Education Committee and I also have special responsibility for SEND. My background is in education, having been both a teacher and an educational psychologist. I am passionate about ensuring that all our students have the opportunity to access the quality education on offer at the Academy.

I am an avid reader and enjoy travelling in my spare time.

Deirdre Geoghegan

My name is Deirdre Geoghegan. I spent my career as a teacher of Food and Nutrition and Food Technology. I gained pastoral experience in my role as a Head of Year and Pastoral Manager. I am enthusiastic about helping young people achieve their potential and so was delighted to be appointed as a governor of the Academy in 2018. I sit on the Education Committee, and I have special responsibility for safeguarding.

In my spare time I enjoy walking my dog, singing in choirs, cooking, the theatre and travel.

Daniel Mills

My name is Daniel Mills. As a former pupil of the school, I was delighted to join the governing board in January 2022. Having grown up in the local area, I understand the challenges and barriers that young people can face. I am a former professional footballer, but now work as an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) consultant. I lead the governing board on ED&I issues.

When I have time to spare, I like to chill out, relax and enjoy a good film or TV series.

Mark Flannery

My name is Mark Flannery. I have been a member of the Governing Board since May 2022. My day job is as one of the directors of an independent firm of financial advisers based in central and south London. I bring my professional experience to the Audit and General Purposes Committee of which I am a member, ensuring that the Academy’s finances are managed efficiently.

In my leisure time, I enjoy travelling and sports. Once a keen footballer, I have swapped playing for attending local matches as a Crystal Palace season ticket holder.

Niki Letts

My name is Niki Letts. I was appointed as a Parent Governor in December 2022. I have three children at the Academy, so I have a good understanding of students’ experiences throughout their time at the school. I am a local resident and active in the community. I have a particular interest in student well-being and in championing children so that they can achieve their full potential.

When I have time to spare, I enjoy reading, especially about different cultures, their history and cuisines. I also enjoy sewing.

Sarah-Jane Muskett-Green

My name is Sarah-Jane Muskett and I have been a governor since early 2023. I have considerable experience in leading change and improving support services and operations for a variety of professional services organisations. I am currently working at a law firm in the West End. As I write this biography the governor role is new to me and I am very much looking forward to working with the governors, the Principal and staff in order to make The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy the best it can be.

Croydon as a community is important to me, as I have lived here for a number of years. Outside work, I love to socialise with friends and really enjoy travelling (visiting family and friends dotted around the world), shopping, dining out and spending time with my husband and our two lovely cats.

Simon Trehearn

My name is Simon Trehearn. I have been a governor since being appointed as the Principal of the Academy in September 2021. I began my teaching career in 1998 and, other than two years teaching in Melbourne, Australia, I have always taught in south London. My subject is mathematics and I have taught all ages (11 – 18) and all abilities, sharing my passion for the patterns and relationships found in numbers.

I am very proud to be part of “Team TALA” and love the job I do; working hard to secure the very best outcomes for our students.

Thulani Kimbugwe

My name is Thulani Kimbugwe and I have been a Staff Governor since December 2023. I have taught at The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy since 2019, with current role of Team Leader of Humanities and PSHE Coordinator, with a specialism in History. I am passionate about using my knowledge of the school and relationships with my colleagues as their voice as a governor and share the goal of ensuring the perspective of teachers and the day-to-day running of the school is heard.

When I have time to spare, I enjoy reading, writing fiction and spending time in the outdoors.

Esther Janalli-Brown

My name is Esther Janalli-Brown and I have been a governor since December 2023. For three years prior to this I was a trustee for the Academy Trust. I am a Solicitor specialising in Private Client matters.

I have three daughters all of secondary school age at other local schools. I have a great interest in education and believe that education and aspiration are key to future success. I know my professional experience and enthusiasm will help in my role as governor.

 In my spare time I like walking, reading and spending time with my family. 

The Chair of Governors, Alan Buckland, can be contacted by emailing the Clerk to the Governors, Jayne Atkinson at