Student Voice
At The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy we understand the importance of our students’ views and opinions, providing an opportunity for discussion on important issues through House Councils and the Academy Council. Council members are chosen by their peers in elections conducted in September of each year.
Each class democratically elects two students to represent their house within the year group. The role of the house representatives is to consult with their peers over issues that arise at House Meetings, reporting back to their class at the earliest opportunity.
At the first meeting of each House Council, pupils elect two students as the House Captains and choose a charity they wish to support that year. Once the House team has decided on their main discussion points, the House Captains meet with the Academy Council, comprising of the Head Boy, Head Girl and their deputies. The Academy Council minute their meetings and take the top points to the Senior Leadership Team to look to make change (where desirable) to the Academy.

Senior Leadership Team : The Academy’s Senior Leadership Team, led by the Principal, meets with representatives from the Academy Council twice each school term. During these meetings the Academy Council will put forward recommendations for changes/ improvements. Following a discussion those suggestions which are in line with statutory requirements and the Academy’s ethos are then considered for adoption.
Academy Captains : Academy Captains, including the Head Girl and Head Boy and their deputies, are appointed following a rigorous application process. This involves a written letter of application, a hustings event in front of the student body, an interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and a student ballot. Students Leaders are expected to model the Academy’s ethos and values at all times.
Tutor & House Reps: Tutor and House Representatives are elected within tutor groups. Their job is to attend School Council meetings and represent the needs of the student body. Student voice is an integral part of the school and our Tutor and House Representatives do an excellent job in this respect.
Tutor Groups : Each tutor group has the opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas to their House Reps.