Lanfranc Leaders
Student Leadership
Student leadership at The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy embodies a number of our core values that enable our students to build their confidence and develop key life skills to ensure success. We aim to provide opportunities for learners to develop leadership skills, empowering partnership between students, staff and outside agencies to gain a deeper understanding of the community we live in. Our student leadership team are an active part of our community and are commonly known as Lanfranc Leaders with a range of responsibilities. Lanfranc Leaders are split into four categories: Lanfranc Sports Leaders; Lanfranc Language Ambassadors; Lanfranc Mentors and Lanfranc Prefects.
Lanfranc Sports Leaders
From Year 9, students may choose to complete the Lanfranc Sports Leader programme during their Enrichment sessions. During this time, they must design sporting sessions showing a strong understanding of the fundamentals needed to plan and run a successful session. Students must also complete ‘work experience’ within the PE department supporting the enrichment and extra-curricular programme. Once learners have completed the programme, they will be selected to help out at primary school festivals, academy days, sporting fixtures and during Sports Week.
Lanfranc Language Ambassadors
Students may sign up to become a Young Interpreter, whose role is to become a peer-mentor for pupils who are new to English. This is with a view to acknowledge and develop students’ existing interpreting and communication skills and allow them to explore how they can help new pupils settle in. The Young Interpreters’ duties might include showing non-English speaking visitors around the school, welcoming parents during parents evening and other events, and buddying up with new arrivals to demonstrate school routines, introducing them to other pupils or assisting them to communicate their needs. It is a high profile responsibility for which training is provided. Students receive a certificate and a badge upon completion of the training course.
Lanfranc Mentors
At the end of year 9, students may apply to become a Lanfranc Mentor. The main role is to help support the New Year 7 cohort arriving in September as part of their transition into secondary school. These students are given on-site training and develop key skills such as communication and organisation. Each pupil is carefully paired with a year 7 student and meets weekly to set achievable and realistic targets, as well as checking in with them to ensure they are enjoying their time at the Academy.
Lanfranc Prefects
At the end of Year 10, Prefects can apply for the sought after Head Boy, Deputy Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl positions. These Senior Prefects embody our core values of leadership, aspiration, teamwork and accountability, setting a positive example for their peers. They play a pivotal role in fostering a sense of unity and community within the school, often leading by example in both academic and extracurricular activities. Additionally, the Head Boy and Head Girl serve as a bridge of communication between students and school administration, helping to voice and address student concerns and ideas. Their presence promotes a culture of respect, accountability, and student empowerment, making them integral to the overall development and success of the school.
To become a Lanfranc Prefect, students go through a rigorous application process, starting with a written application explaining why they would be a suitable candidate. The Senior Leadership team scrutinize each application, checking students’ attendance and conduct points. Successful students will be given on-site training and then be tasked with an area of responsibility around the Academy.