Our Careers Leader is Mrs H. Budd.
Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance provides a significant contribution to preparing our young people for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of life.
The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy is committed to providing the best opportunities for students to realise their career aspirations. Our CEIAG programme fulfils its statutory obligations and is closely linked to the Academy Improvement Plan.
The Academy provides all students with a planned programme of careers education activities throughout their school career, with opportunities at key transition points to access impartial information and expert advice and guidance. It is also committed to maximising the benefits for students by using a whole school approach involving parents, carers, external CEIAG providers, employers, and other local agencies.
Our CEIAG programme supports our students in making a successful transition to the next stage of their lives by:
- Empowering young people to plan and manage their own futures
- Providing comprehensive information on all options
- Raising aspirations
- Promoting equality, diversity, social mobility, and challenging stereotypes
- Enabling young people to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives
Much of our careers content is delivered through the Unifrog platform.
The Complete Destinations Platform
Unifrog is an online platform that supports schools and colleges to deliver their statutory duty to provide students with impartial and independent guidance on the full range of Post-16 and Post-18 options.
Unifrog is the only place where students can compare every undergraduate course in the UK as well as international opportunities. Additionally, Unifrog provides students with access to the most comprehensive list of live apprenticeships available across the country including Higher, SLP and degree apprenticeships, as well as FE courses.
Ove students have explored their interests and compared the full range of pathways available to them, Unifrog provides one place for students to draft all materials needed for applications such as CV’s and Personal Statements.
All students, across all year groups, now have access to the platform in keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step.
Benefits for teachers
Unifrog is a whole-school careers platform. It allows teachers and careers advisors to track their pupils’ progress and keep a record of their research and all of the careers interactions each student has received. It makes it easy for teachers and careers advisors to work with students to find the best next step for them. Staff are able to provide feedback on applications, comment on students’ research, log careers interviews and interactions as well as upload action plans, and provide support and feedback on application materials.
Information for parents and carers
Every parent/carer can have their own login to Unifrog there they can access the tools, information, and guidance to support their child to make their next best step. Contact your child’s Head of Year to receive your unique login for Unifrog, and receive support on how to navigate the Unifrog platform.
If you would like more information o Unifrog please visit their website: www.unifrog.org
Application for Provider Access
This document sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Pupil entitlement
All pupils in years 8-11 are entitled:
To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Management of provider access requests
A provider wishing to request access should contact Holly Budd.
Telephone: 02086891255
Email: hbudd@lanfranc.org.uk
Opportunities for access
The school offers a comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme and an overview of this programme can be seen in the School’s Careers Charter which can be seen on the school website. Please speak to our Careers Lead to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.
The school will make a suitable space available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available ICT and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Lead or a member of their team.
Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature with the Careers Lead so that they can be displayed in the Careers Section of the school library.
Helpful Links
Financial support
Colleges list
National Careers Service links
T Levels and other vocational courses