Cleaning Services
The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy invites your valued company to tender for providing cleaning services to our Academy. Our primary commitment is to uphold a pristine and hygienic environment for our valued students, staff, and visitors. To fulfil this commitment, we are seeking a proficient cleaning service provider capable of delivering tailored, top-tier services.
Should your company be interested in seizing this opportunity, or if you require further clarification or have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at (kkaragoly@lanfranc.org.uk ). Below is a copy of the tender Invitation document for a comprehensive understanding of the tendering process, including the scope of work, submission guidelines, evaluation criteria, and other essential information.
We eagerly await your submission and the prospect of partnering with your valued company to uphold the cleanliness and safety standards of our school premises.
Thank you for considering this opportunity.